Crowdstrike 是一家美国公司,该公司宣称其服务对象超过一半的财富 500 强公司。该公司表示,其最近的一项内容更新存在缺陷,影响了微软的 Windows 操作系统,并补充说,该事件“不是安全事件或网络攻击”。
I'm feeling pretty good being a 100% Linux shop rn, though a few months ago, crowdstrike caused a kernel panic on hundreds of our machines and we had to power cycle them. It sucked but ipmi eased our troubles a bit. Though it ended up being faster in the end to just walk to the data center and press all the buttons lmao. I've since been in the process of tying foreman in to the ipmi infrastructure so I can issue bulk power actions for crashed systems I'll pour one out for the windows folks. Good luck and godspeed