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发表于 2014-2-24 13:58:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
假定你叫Jack, 有一个美国女孩叫Rose.


Jack: Hi, do you have the time?

Rose, Yeah, sure, it''s 6:20 (six twenty).

现在戴手表的人少,在街上问人家时间,不要直接问:What time is it?, 这样显得太生硬,好象盘问别人一样。最好说:Do you have the time?
当然这也可能是打开话题的一个引子。陌生人之间就象一层冰,需要破冰: break the ice.

Break the ice何尝又不是一种社交技巧呢?

Jack: So, Rose, are you seeing someone?
Rose: No, not currently.
想问对方有没有男朋友,一般不要直接问:Do you have boyfriend? 而问:Are you seeing someone? 这个句子从字面上没有半点痕迹,是表示有没有约会对象的一个很好的委婉的方式。


Small world

Jack: Is this seat available, lady?
Rose: Yeah, go ahead.
Jack: Oh, Rose, it''''s you! I ran into you in front of the Grand mall the other day.
Rose: Let me see, you are Jack, I remember now.
Jack: What a surprise! I live in the Phoenix city.
Rose: I live in the Phoenix Island, I work with Amway, you know.
Jack: Amway, so you know 6X2?
Rose: Yes, 6X2 is an interesting man.
Jack: Small world!
Rose: You can say that again.
Jack: Rose, may I have your number? Probably we can join a party or something.
Rose: Okay.

你第一次在正佳广场(the Grand mall)碰到Rose,想不到隔几天在凤凰城大巴上又碰到, 这是一个surprise, 这个词并不对应汉语里的惊喜,它本意是指一种出乎意料的情况,可能好,也可能不好。还有interesting这个词,并不等同于汉语里“有趣”的意思。比如Rose说她的同事十二少是一个interesting man,其中的意思用汉语还真不好说。


Small world带有强烈的感叹:有时候世界小得好象只剩下两个人了。。。。。。

I''m just a phone call away


Rose: (Calling Jack) Hi Jack, Rose speaking.
Jack: Oh, Rose, what''s up?
Rose: I forgot my umbrella, it''s raining!
Jack: Don''t worry, where are you now?
Rose: I''m in the commute center.
Jack: Got it, I will be there in 10 minutes.
Rose: You are my lifesaver!

lifesaver = life + save + r = someone who saves your life 救命恩人,通常用来表示感谢的夸张说法,一般也不是真的到了救命的程度。

Rose speaking 是电话开始时介绍自己的常用说法,还可以说:This is Rose, 不要说 I''m Rose.

I''m just a phone call away. 这句话直译是:我只在一个电话之外,意思是只要你一个电话我立即来帮你做任何事。这个句子用汉语表达不出那个味道。近似的有北方人说的:有事您说话!
She was just 5 minutes away from being his wife. 还差5分钟她就要成为他的妻子了,比直接说婚礼还有5分钟就要正式开始要有意思吧?这话也没有对应的汉语。

I''m just a phone call away 是对朋友最庄严的承诺,等同于愿为你赴汤蹈火的誓言!


I guess you have to wait at least one week or two.
From hand in hand, hug to kissing... They have long way to go, right?

i think they have many things to do befor going to bed

for example, go shopping, go to cinima, BBQ,or play ball,

Jack rent a car to pick up Rose for sightseeing, the feeling

of the first time of kissing ,.....


Jack: You are so beautiful today, Rose!
Rose: Thank you, Jack! It''s my first Dragon Boat Day in China.
Jack: The Hakka restaurant is very nice, I hope you are having good time here.
Rose: That''s for sure, any special for the festival?
Jack: Yeah, let''s try some what they call "rice dumplings".
Rose: You Chinese are amazing!
Jack: Er, Rose, did you ever consider to spend the rest of your life here in China?
Rose: Well, Jack, it depends, there are too many things to consider...

the very first date: 第一次(正式)约会,前两次都是在外面碰到,不能算是约会,very起强调作用

date: 约会(动词,名词),也指一个人约会的对象,通常表示在不是正式男女朋友之前的一种状态,包括各种可能的关系,例如:
She is my date. 这句话是说她是和你约会的人,不同于香港人说“她是我马子”,也不同于以前中国人说的“她是我对象”,谁知道汉语里哪个词接近这个意思?

Hakka restaurant: 可乐馆(我把可乐馆翻译成客家饭馆,如直译成Coke restaurant反而让人困惑)
Dragon Boat Day: 端午节,龙船节
rice dumplings: 棕子,这个用英文怎么说见仁见智,但无论如何,英文是不能完全表达这个意思的,文化差异是客观的,dumplings是一个象声词,水饺等放到水里煮的时候的“扑通”声,所以美国人把中国人这种包起来扔锅里煮的东西都叫dumplings

spend the rest of your life here in China: Jack暗示Rose可不可以留在中国和他共度一生


Go out
  这几天的鬼天气,每天大暴雨,Jack一直想约Rose去野外玩玩都不行。上周六Jack只好带Rose去天河电影城看Fool''s Gold (淘金俏冤家),出了电影院,他们的手自然地拉到了一起。

Jack: The reality is more exciting than the moive.
Rose: Yep, somehow.
Jack:  I can''t believe I''m out with an American beauty.
Rose: Sometimes I forget I''m an expat here.
Jack: Home is where the heart is, sweetie.

out, go out 是用来表达拍拖,谈恋爱意思的常用语,例如:
The girl is going with her boss now. 这个女孩和她的老板拍拖。
We have been out for about 2 years. 我们谈了两年恋爱了。
out, go out 可以表示状态和持续的过程,有时不一定真的要“出去”,如果你把一个女孩带到家里拍拖也算是"go out".

I can''t believe... 用来表示惊奇和意外,有时并不是真的不相信。如果一个人信口雌黄,你可以说:
I can''t believe you said that! 这是最文雅同时也是最狠的谴责。


Home is where the heart is. 家是心所在的地方,西方人对hometown的概念很谈,心在哪,家就在哪。这句话可在拍拖时用来煽情:如果你爱一个,就算你跟他(她)到天涯海角,那儿也是家。。。。。。。


Jack听说李灵儿要组织人去摘杨梅,受到启发,就在周六ask Rose去从化摘杨梅。

Rose: You know what, Jack? You are a good kisser!
Jack: So you like French kiss?
Rose: No, with the red bayberry in our month, it should be called Chinese kiss.
Jack: You are so beautiful today.
Rose: Oh, Jack, feed me another piece of berry, Jack.
Jack: I owe you the three little words...

You know what? 直译是:你知道什么?但实际上完全不是这个意思,它用来引起听者注意,接下来一般要说一句特别的或站人意外的话。相似的还有:Guess what? 这些都不需要听的人回答,如果有人这样跟你说,你只要竖起耳朵听说行了,不用你回答你知道什么或猜什么。例如:

You know what? Si-qing-gao-fu is a mechanical engineer! (告诉你吧,斯琴高夫竟然是一位机械工程师!)
Guess what? Quan-shi and Coke-huang are friends. (听说了没有,泉石和黄可乐是好朋友!)

French kiss: 法国式接吻,把舌头伸入双方口中的吻, Longman的权威解释是:a romantic kiss between two people with their month open and with their tongues touching.

the three little words = I love you. 这和汉语里很像,中国人说“那三个字”指“我爱你”。。。。。。


…On the couch, Jack put his hand under Rose’s dress, unhook her bra, then fondled her boobs and licked her cleavage and suck her nipples…
Jack: Wow, you have nice boobs, Rose!
Rose: I feel good, suck me, please.
Jack: Your nipples are as pink as the strawberry.
Rose: Help yourself, they are yours.
unhook: 解开(胸罩)的钩子。在Hook(钩子)前加否定前缀可表示解开钩子,这种构词法比汉语方便。又如:
unclothe: 剥掉衣服
debone: 去骨
cleavage: 乳沟
boobs: 乳房
nipples; 乳头
tits: 奶头
fondle: 抚摸


Morning after pills

Jack greeted Rose with flowers and a wet kiss on her cheek.
Just one minute later, their clothes were all over the floor… they came together with a huge orgasm…
Rose: Oooooooooooooh, yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeess.
Jack: Ooooo, no, I forgot to put on the rubber.
Rose: Oh, that’s too bad.
Jack: Oh, sorry, my sweetie, I was too excited. Are you on pill, honey?
Rose: No, I dislike pills.
Jack: I must buy you the morning after pills tomorrow.
Orgasm: 高潮
Ooooooooooh: 作为拼音文字,英文有一个方便的地方就是可以把一个词的中的一个或多个音节拉长,以达到强调或者说话的人吞吞吐吐,含混不清。拼音文字可以方便地记录不同方式的发音。汉字就不能把一个字的偏旁部首拆开再在里面加长一个部分。
Rubber: 橡胶,橡皮,美国英语里安全套的俗称,较常用。比condom婉转好听一点。
Are you on pill? (字面意思)你在服药吗。实指避孕药丸,也是为了婉转。
Morning after pills: (直译)早晨之后的药。就是汉语里的说事后避孕药(毓婷?)。汉语的说法还是太直了,老是避孕避孕的,英语里用的全是干干净净的词。


Car Sex

Jack最近在网上结识了幻剑,成了好朋友。上周六晚,他借了幻剑的车带Rose去游白云山。。。。。。。It was very quite at night at Baiyun mountain, Jack drove along the mountain road and finally parked the car nearby the mountaintop.
Jack undid Rose''s bra and started by playing with her beautiful firm breasts then went down to her dripping pussy, he became hard right away.
She undid his pants and pulled out his throbbing cock then lay down and started sucking him off, they both got real excited, and since it was a SUV, Jack pulled the recline lever on the passengers seat and got on top of her and proceeded to make very enjoyable, but messy love.

Rose: It''s  wildest experience I''ve ever had.

Jack: I''m afraid our juices already soaked Ben''s car.

Rose: Ben is a nice guy, he will not mind to clean it up by himself.

Jack: Yeah, that''s true.

Rose: Wait a minute, there is a UFO over the top of the mountain.

Jack: Really? Let me check. Oh, don''t be silly, it''s the moon!

car sex, backset sex: 汽车性爱,后座性爱
Children at the backseat cause accidents; the accidents at the backsets cause children. 后座的小孩(打闹)导致事故,后座的事故导致小孩。

mountaintop: 山顶(复合词)mountain + top

undid:  un是一个表示否定意思的前缀,放在动词之前,表示做一个和该动词相反的动作。undo (undid)可以代表很类动词,比如: unzip (解开拉链),unclothe(解开衣服),unhook(解开钩子),unbutton(解开扣子)都可以用undo来代替。

dripping pussy: 指Rose已经很温润的口口

throbbing cock: 指Jack已经很硬的口口

Jack pulled recline lever on the passengers seat: Jack拉动前排副座的下降柄。passengers seat (副座,前排乘客座)

juices: 汁(指他们的分泌物)

UFO:  Unidentified Flying Object, 不明飞行物 (这里实际是月亮,Rose以为是不明飞行物)


Now it''s no doubt that Jack and Rose are in the relationship.

What do you predict their future?
Should they finally get married?
As a cross-culture couple, what problems will they have?

I''d appreciate it for your ideas.

Cross-racial relationships
There are too many things to consider before Jack and Rose to go to the next level.

Cross-racial couples are eye-catching in China. In Phoenix city, a security guy married an American girl recently, and they caught much attentions from this neighborhood and the society.

However, life is not a movie: the cultural differences can block the communication from time to time.

Anyway, hope Jack can finally marry Rose some day.


Jack: honey, r u there?
Rose: hey, everything fine?
Jack: yup, miss u, sweetie.Rose: r u horny?
Jack: ok, i walk in while u r taking a shower
Rose: i scream
Jack: i get u and start fingering u and kissing ur neck and tits
Rose:  then i get on ur knees and start sucking ur cock
Jack: then i place my cock in ur pussy slowly
Rose: i start 2 moan
Jack: i start fucking u slowly uhhhhhhhh
Rose: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Jack: then i start fucking you harder and faster
Rose: i scream and start 2 cum
Jack: u start screaming my name
Rose: o yesssssss
Jack: i fuck u harder and faster
Rose: dont stop
Jack: o yes
Rose: i cum again, fuck me harder
Jack: i am
Rose: harder
Jack: uhhhhhhhhhhhh
Rose: i stop u and suck ur cock
Jack: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Rose: i suck it dry of my juices
Jack:  o yes i stop u and fuck u hard
Rose: I start to scream ur name
Jack: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

phone sex: 电话性爱webcam sex: 网络摄像头性爱,webcam = web cameracybersex: 基于网络的性爱 这里用了很多缩写:r = areu = youur = your2 = to or too4 = forO = oh 人们给常用的词用相同的发音来简化 cum: 通用的描述男女性高潮时的动词,作名字指男女流出的体液。如果说I’m cummingI’m coming的发音很相似,有时候美国人会用这个来开玩笑。



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